Install CockroachDB cluster on Rocky Linux

This article will walk you through the process of how to install CockroachDB cluster on Rocky Linux. CockroachDB is an open-source distributed and scalable SQL database that was created specifically for cloud-native applications and development.

CockroachDB features database replication with strong consistency, SQL query language support, fault tolerance, automated scaling and repairing, and high availability.

CockroachDB can be deployed as a dedicated, serverless or self-hosted database. This tutorial features installing CockroachDB cluster on Rocky Linux using self-hosted deployment option with two servers/nodes.

Install CockroachDB cluster on Rocky Linux


  • Two or more Rocky Linux servers
  • Root privileges on both servers

The IP addresses for the servers/nodes are:

  • Server 1 IP:
  • Server 2 IP:

Connection through firewall

Allow connection through ports 8080 and 26257 on both your servers. Rocky Linux has firewall running by default.

So open ports 8080 and 26257:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={8080,26257}/tcp

Reload the firewall

sudo firewall-cmd –-reload

Configure SELinux policy

Set permissive mode temporarily for now

sudo setenforce 0

To disable SELinux enforcing mode permanently upon reboot, run the commands below:

sudo sed -i 's/enforcing/permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config

Install CockroachDB cluster on Rocky Linux

Download the binary file on server 1. Extract and copy the files to your system’s path

curl | \
tar -xz && sudo cp -i cockroach-v22.1.0.linux-amd64/cockroach /usr/local/bin/

Create a directory to store library files that provide spatial features.

mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/cockroach

Copy the library files to the directory:

sudo cp -i cockroach-v22.1.0.linux-amd64/lib/ /usr/local/lib/cockroach/
cp -i cockroach-v22.1.0.linux-amd64/lib/ /usr/local/lib/cockroach/

CockroachDB is now installed on the first server. Confirm installation by checking the version:

$ cockroach version
Build Tag:        v22.1.
Build Time:       2022/0/22 1:7:47
Distribution:     CCL
Platform:         linux amd64 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Go Version:       go1.17.11
C Compiler:       gcc 6.5.0
Build Commit ID:  fc456a26830067b6dfbb8cd87e093a28d9b833d1
Build Type:       release

Move to the second server and install CockroachDB by repeating the process.

Create clusters

First, create the first cluster on the first server by entering the --store, --listen-addr and --http-addr.

cockroach start --insecure --store=server1 \
--listen-addr= \
--http-addr= \
--join=, --background

Meaning of the above flags:

  • –store is the cluster for storing the data
  • –listen-addr is the IP address for running on the server using port 25267.
  • –http-addr is the IP address the Cockroachdb web-based administration will be accessed via port 8080.
  • –insecure is for using unsecure(http) connection

Create the second cluster on the second server with the IP address(

cockroach start --insecure --store=server2 \
--listen-addr= --http-addr= \
--join=, --background

Then join the clusters into one cluster using the first server.

cockroach init --insecure --host=
Cluster successfully initialized

Access the web interface

Enter URL http://SERVER:8080 in your browser (SERVER is the IP address of server1), for instance,

The web-base management console loads:

Install CockroachDB cluster on Rocky Linux
CockroachDB web console

Testing the clusters

Write simple SQL statements check if data can be duplicated to all the servers.

Connect to server 1 cluster shell using the command:

cockroach sql --insecure --host=

Create a database i.e. itnixpro


Next create a table users under the above database

CREATE TABLE itnixpro.users (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT); 

Now insert some data to the table:

INSERT INTO itnixpro.users (id, name) values (1,'Barasa');

Display the data:

select * from itnixpro.users;                   
  id | name
   1 | Barasa
(1 row)

Time: 3ms total (execution 2ms / network 1ms)

Check if the data was replicated to the second server. Connect to the second cluster shell:

cockroach sql --insecure --host=

Display the data on the second cluster. The data has been duplicated to the second cluster successfully.

select * from itnixpro.users;                   
  id | name
   1 | Barasa
(1 row)

Time: 101ms total (execution 101ms / network 0ms)


You have successfully managed to install CockroachDB Cluster on Rocky Linux. Remember to secure your database in a production environment by using SSL certificates.

More information is found on CockroachDB documentation

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Install CockroachDB on Rocky Linux

Android Developer | Linux | Technical Writer | Backend Developer

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