Install CockroachDB on Ubuntu 22.04

This article is going to take you through how to install CockroachDB on Ubuntu 22.04. CockroachDB is a serverless distributed SQL database built for building, scaling, and managing modern, data-intensive applications in the cloud. It’s based on a key-value store that’s transactional and very consistent. It scales horizontally, survives disk, machine, rack, and even data center failures with minimal latency and no user intervention, supports strongly-consistent ACID transactions, and provides a familiar SQL API for data organization, manipulation, and querying.

How to Install CockroachDB on Ubuntu 22.04

  • Navigate to the CockroachDB website to get the latest download link. Then download and extract it using the following command.
curl | tar -xz && sudo cp -i cockroach-v22.1.0.linux-amd64/cockroach /usr/local/bin/
  • Next copy the CockroachDB executable file to /usr/local/lib/cockroach, lets start by creating the directory using the command below.
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/cockroach
  • After creating the directory, copy the library files.
sudo cp -i cockroach-v22.1.0.linux-amd64/lib/ /usr/local/lib/cockroach/

sudo cp -i cockroach-v22.1.0.linux-amd64/lib/ /usr/local/lib/cockroach/
  • Confirm the copied binary is working using the command below.
which cockroach

Sample output

  • Confirm the CockroachDB version installed.
cockroach version

Sample output

Build Tag:        v22.1.0
Build Time:       2022/05/23 16:27:47
Distribution:     CCL
Platform:         linux amd64 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Go Version:       go1.17.6
C Compiler:       gcc 6.5.0
Build Commit ID:  5b78463ed2e7106a8477b63fa837564ad02bb510
Build Type:       release

Start single node CockroachDB cluster on Ubuntu 22.04

  • Let us create a demo single node cluster using the following commands.
cockroach start-single-node \
    --insecure \
    --store=commerce_database \
    --listen-addr=localhost:26257 \
    --http-addr=localhost:8080 \
  • Next start CockroachDB shell using the command below.
cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257
  • Then create a user.
CREATE USER itnixpro;
  • Create database.
  • Set demo_db as the default database.
SET DATABASE = demo_db;
  • Grant all privileges to itnixpro user
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE demo_db TO itnixpro;
  • To show created database run the following command.
SHOW database;
  • Exit the shell using the command below.

Sample output

# Welcome to the CockroachDB SQL shell.
# All statements must be terminated by a semicolon.
# To exit, type: \q.
# Server version: CockroachDB CCL v22.1.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, built 2022/05/23 16:27:47, go1.17.6) (same version as client)
# Cluster ID: 1c7359bd-3dc6-4ec9-9d2b-7710c09dfaf3
No entry for terminal type "xterm-256color";
using dumb terminal settings.
# Enter \? for a brief introduction.
root@localhost:26257/defaultdb> CREATE USER itnixpro;

Time: 100ms total (execution 100ms / network 1ms)

root@localhost:26257/defaultdb> CREATE DATABASE demo_db;

Time: 19ms total (execution 19ms / network 0ms)

root@localhost:26257/defaultdb> SET DATABASE = demo_db;        

Time: 6ms total (execution 5ms / network 1ms)

root@localhost:26257/demo_db> GRANT ALL ON DATABASE demo_db TO itnix
NOTICE: grant options were automatically applied but this behavior is deprecated

Time: 69ms total (execution 68ms / network 1ms)

root@localhost:26257/demo_db> SHOW database;
(1 row)

Time: 2ms total (execution 1ms / network 0ms)

root@localhost:26257/demo_db> \q

Access CockroachDB Web Interface

  • Fire up your favorite web browser and enter your server/domain name followed by port 8080 and hit enter e.g. server-IP:8080 or localhost:8080 as shown below.

You can now monitor your database from the web interface. Note, that the web interface cannot be used to create databases.

  • Click on metrics and select a specific module and time to monitor the metrics.

  • Click on Jobs to see running jobs.
  • You have made it to the end of our article, Congrats! You have gone through how to install CockroachDB on Ubuntu 22.04.

Read more on CockroachDB Documentation

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System administrator | Software Developer | DevOps

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