How to Install Minikube on Ubuntu 24.04

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Minikube on Ubuntu 24.04. There are several ways in which you can run a Kubernetes cluster in your local system for practice. One of the ways include using Minikube. Thus, follow through this guide to learn how to install Minikube on Ubuntu.

Install Minikube on Ubuntu 24.04

Minimum System Requirements to Run Minikube

There are minimum system hardware requirements required to run Minikube. These requirements are well outlined in the getting started page. These include;

  • At least 2 CPUs
  • At least 2GB free RAM
  • At least 20GB of free disk space

Install Minikube Driver (Docker Engine)

Minikube can be run as a container, a virtual machine or on a bare-metal.

To run as a container, then you need container orchestration tool installed on your system. You can use Docker engine or Podman. Docker is more preferred as Podman is still considered experimental.

To run as VM, then you need either KVM, Qemu or VirtualBox (usually the default) installed on your system.

We will be using Docker engine as Minikube driver in this guide. Therefore, run the command below to install Docker engine on Ubuntu 24.04.

Run system package cache update and install some required packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ca-certificates curl gnupg2

Install Docker engine repositories;

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/docker.gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64] noble stable" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list

The install Docker engine on Ubuntu 24.04.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

If you are running Docker/or managing K8s cluster as non root user account, you can add that user to the docker group so that you can be able to run Docker commands without being prompted to elevate your rights.

Before that, create the docker group.

newgrp docker

For example, to add my user account to Docker group;

sudo usermod -aG docker itnixpro

Replace itnixpro with your respective username.

Once you do that, log out and re-login as that user for the changes to take effect.

Confirm the user is in Docker group;

groups itnixpro
itnixpro : itnixpro sudo docker

Docker should already be started and running.

systemctl status docker

Install Minikube on Ubuntu 24.04

You can now proceed to install Minikube.

You can install Minikube using either a binary or Debian package. We will use Debian package in this guide.

Thus, run the command below to download latest release version of Minikube debian package.

curl -LO

Then install it.

sudo apt install ./minikube_latest_amd64.deb -y

Once the installation is done, you should now be ready to run a K8s cluster.

You can verify Minikube installation by checking the installed version.

minikube version
minikube version: v1.32.0
commit: 8220a6eb95f0a4d75f7f2d7b14cef975f050512d

Get help on various minikube command line options;

minikube --help

Running Kubernetes Cluster using Minikube

You should now be able to start a Kubernetes cluster with Minikube on Ubuntu 24.04.

To start a single node cluster, run the command below;

minikube start --driver=docker

This command starts a Kubernetes cluster with Docker driver.

Remember, VirtualBox is the default driver, so if you run minikube start without specifying the driver, VirtualBox will be used.

You can set Docker as the default Minikube driver using the command below;

minikube config set driver docker

If you had an already running cluster before this change, then you have to delete the cluster;

minikube delete --all

And then start a new cluster using the Docker engine! If you are running cluster as non root user with Docker driver, ensure the user has rights to run Docker by adding the user to Docker group, as shown above.

minikube start

Sample minikube cluster initialization output;

šŸ˜„  minikube v1.32.0 on Ubuntu 24.04
āœØ  Using the docker driver based on user configuration
šŸ“Œ  Using Docker driver with root privileges
šŸ‘  Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
šŸšœ  Pulling base image ...
šŸ”„  Creating docker container (CPUs=2, Memory=2200MB) ...
šŸ³  Preparing Kubernetes v1.28.3 on Docker 24.0.7 ...
    ā–Ŗ Generating certificates and keys ...
    ā–Ŗ Booting up control plane ...
    ā–Ŗ Configuring RBAC rules ...
šŸ”—  Configuring bridge CNI (Container Networking Interface) ...
    ā–Ŗ Using image
šŸ”Ž  Verifying Kubernetes components...
šŸŒŸ  Enabled addons: storage-provisioner, default-storageclass
šŸ’”  kubectl not found. If you need it, try: 'minikube kubectl -- get pods -A'
šŸ„  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default

Since we are using Docker driver, Minikube will spawn a minikube container.

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                 COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                                                                                                  NAMES
6a17dd32a253   "/usr/local/bin/entrā€¦"   12 minutes ago   Up 29 seconds>22/tcp,>2376/tcp,>5000/tcp,>8443/tcp,>32443/tcp   minikube

Minikube Cluster Basic Controls

Minikube ships with various command line options that let you interact with your cluster in various ways.

Some of the basic commands include;

  • start: Starts a local Kubernetes cluster
  • status: Gets the status of a local Kubernetes cluster
  • stop: Stops a running local Kubernetes cluster
  • delete: Deletes a local Kubernetes cluster
  • dashboard: Access the Kubernetes dashboard running within the minikube cluster
  • pause: Pause Kubernetes
  • unpause: Unpause Kubernetes

You have already started single cluster Minikube cluster above, with start command.

To check the status of the Minikube local Kuberenetes cluster;

minikube status

Sample output;

type: Control Plane
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubeconfig: Configured

You can pass ā€“help to see more status options

minikube status --help

To stop the Minikube kubernetes cluster;

minikube stop

The stop command stops ONLY the underlying clustr VM or container, but keeps user data intact. The cluster can be started again with the ā€œstartā€ command.

āœ‹  Stopping node "minikube"  ...
šŸ›‘  Powering off "minikube" via SSH ...
šŸ›‘  1 node stopped.

To delete a local Kubernetes cluster;

minikube delete

To delete all local Minikube Kubernetes clusters and profiles

minikube delete --all

For more Minikube commands, run;

minikube --help

Managing Minikube Kubernetes Cluster from Kubernetes Dashboard

Minikube supports Kubernetes dashboard. Kubernetes dashboard allows you to manage your cluster from a web user interface.

To enable Minikube Kubernetes dashboard, you can use the dashboard option.

The dashboard option is one of the many Minikube add-ons that provide or add more functionality to the Minikube cluster.

You can list add-ons using the command;

minikube addons list

Some addons are enabled and most are disabled.

|         ADDON NAME          | PROFILE  |    STATUS    |           MAINTAINER           |
| ambassador                  | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Ambassador)         |
| auto-pause                  | minikube | disabled     | minikube                       |
| cloud-spanner               | minikube | disabled     | Google                         |
| csi-hostpath-driver         | minikube | disabled     | Kubernetes                     |
| dashboard                   | minikube | disabled     | Kubernetes                     |
| default-storageclass        | minikube | enabled āœ…   | Kubernetes                     |
| efk                         | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Elastic)            |
| freshpod                    | minikube | disabled     | Google                         |
| gcp-auth                    | minikube | disabled     | Google                         |
| gvisor                      | minikube | disabled     | minikube                       |
| headlamp                    | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (         |
| helm-tiller                 | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Helm)               |
| inaccel                     | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (InAccel             |
|                             |          |              | [[email protected]])            |
| ingress                     | minikube | disabled     | Kubernetes                     |
| ingress-dns                 | minikube | disabled     | minikube                       |
| inspektor-gadget            | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party                      |
|                             |          |              | (          |
| istio                       | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Istio)              |
| istio-provisioner           | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Istio)              |
| kong                        | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Kong HQ)            |
| kubeflow                    | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party                      |
| kubevirt                    | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (KubeVirt)           |
| logviewer                   | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (unknown)            |
| metallb                     | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (MetalLB)            |
| metrics-server              | minikube | disabled     | Kubernetes                     |
| nvidia-device-plugin        | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (NVIDIA)             |
| nvidia-driver-installer     | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Nvidia)             |
| nvidia-gpu-device-plugin    | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Nvidia)             |
| olm                         | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Operator Framework) |
| pod-security-policy         | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (unknown)            |
| portainer                   | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (       |
| registry                    | minikube | disabled     | minikube                       |
| registry-aliases            | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (unknown)            |
| registry-creds              | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (UPMC Enterprises)   |
| storage-provisioner         | minikube | enabled āœ…   | minikube                       |
| storage-provisioner-gluster | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Gluster)            |
| storage-provisioner-rancher | minikube | disabled     | 3rd party (Rancher)            |
| volumesnapshots             | minikube | disabled     | Kubernetes                     |

You can control the addons using the commands as outlined in the help page;

minikube addons --help

To see the usage and other dashboard options;

minikube dashboard --help
Access the Kubernetes dashboard running within the minikube cluster

	Exposed port of the proxyfied dashboard. Set to 0 to pick a random port.

	Display dashboard URL instead of opening a browser

  minikube dashboard [flags] [options]

Use "minikube options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).

Launch Minikube dashboard;

minikube dashboard

This will enable the dashboard addon, if not already enabled, and launch it.

šŸ”Œ  Enabling dashboard ...
    ā–Ŗ Using image
    ā–Ŗ Using image
šŸ’”  Some dashboard features require the metrics-server addon. To enable all features please run:

	minikube addons enable metrics-server	

šŸ¤”  Verifying dashboard health ...
šŸš€  Launching proxy ...
    > kubectl.sha256:  64 B / 64 B [-------------------------] 100.00% ? p/s 0s
    > kubectl:  47.56 MiB / 47.56 MiB [----------] 100.00% 195.28 MiB p/s 400ms
šŸ¤”  Verifying proxy health ...
šŸŽ‰  Opening in your default browser...

Note that, the dashboard address provided is only accessible within the local system where Minikube is running.

If you are running a non-desktop system, this might be a challenge to access the dashboard.

Therefore, to enable remote access to the dashboard, you have to proxy the access. For example, you can use kubectl command to create a proxy.

Minikube ships with an internal kubectl, which is accessible;

minikube kubectl -- <options>

Do, minikube kubectl ā€” ā€“help for more options.

Press CTRL+C on the dashboard command and launch Kubernetes API server proxy;

minikube kubectl -- proxy

This will start proxy on a localhost on port 8001/TCP (Starting to serve on If you take this approach, you will need to create a local port forwarding from your host to reach the dashboard.

However, you can set the proxy to listen on all interfaces using ā€“address option.

minikube kubectl -- proxy --address=''

Similarly, you need to allow all hosts to access the dashboard, hence pass the option, ā€“accept-hosts=ā€^.*$ā€. Otherwise, you may get Forbidden access on accessing the dashboard.

So, your command now looks like;

minikube kubectl -- proxy --address='' --accept-hosts="^.*$"

For a wide list of options you can use, consult, kubectl proxy ā€“help.

You should now be able to access your Minikube Kubernetes dashboard with the IP address the Minikube server.

For example, the dashboard address;

Now changes to (on browser);

Where, is the IP address of the remote Minikube server where dashboard is running.

Ensure you open the port on firewall if you are running system level firewall.

Then access access the dashboard using your respective URL.

Install Minikube on Ubuntu 24.04

Currently, we have not deployed any apps and that is the default view of a Minikube Kubernetes cluster without any app deployed on the default namespaces.

You can select other available namespaces from the drop down button at the top left side to check system application/services.

Install Minikube on Ubuntu 24.04

Refer to the official documentation for more information on how to use Minikube Kubernetes dashboard.

Deploying Simple App on Minikube

So, what are the steps to deploy an app on Minikube? Basically, there are a number of steps that you can take to deploy an app on Minikube Kubernetes cluster.

Containerize the Application

To begin with, you need to containerize your application using Docker. You can create a Dockerfile that defines the Docker images to use in your application, the application source code and all dependencies required by your app.

In this basic example, we will use the default Apache Docker image to create a basic Apache web app.

Create Kubernetes Application Deployment Resource

In Kubernetes, a deployment is a resource object that defines a desired state of an application.

According to Kubernetes page;

AĀ DeploymentĀ provides declarative updates forĀ PodsĀ andĀ ReplicaSets.
You describe aĀ desired stateĀ in a Deployment, and the DeploymentĀ ControllerĀ changes the actual state to the desired state at a controlled rate. You can define Deployments to create new ReplicaSets, or to remove existing Deployments and adopt all their resources with new Deployments.

A deployment will define such details as;

  • application container name
  • docker image to use
  • the application ports to expose
  • the number of application replicas
  • etc ā€¦

See our sample Apache web app deployment resource.

cat apache-deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: apache-deployment
  replicas: 1
      app: apache
        app: apache
      - name: apache-container
        image: httpd
        - containerPort: 80

Create Kubernetes Application Service Resource

In Kubernetes, a service is a resource object that defines how a Kubernetes application (Pods) is exposed over the network.

A service resource specifies details such as:

  • the name of the service resource
  • the pods/applications to be exposed
  • the port and protocol that the exposed port will listen on
  • the internal application port to be exposed
  • the type of the service which can be one of:
    • ClusterIP: exposes the application on an IP that is ONLY accessible within the cluster.
    • NodePort: exposes the application on a static port on each Nodeā€™s IP.
    • LoadBalancer: This is the standard way to expose a K8s app to the Internet. This type creates an external load balancer with a single IP address that forwards all external app requests to your backend Pods. Accorrding to Kubernetes page, ā€œKubernetes does not directly offer a load balancing component; you must provide one, or you can integrate your Kubernetes cluster with a cloud provider.ā€œ
    • ExternalName: maps a service to a DNS name.

Here is our sample service resource to expose our simple apache web app.

cat apache-service.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: apache-service
    app: apache
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80
  type: NodePort

Create the Application Resources

We now have the application deployment and service manifests. To create a Kubernetes app using these manifests, you need to apply them.

Apply the deployment manifest;

minikube kubectl -- apply -f apache-deployment.yaml

This will create the deployment in the default namespace.

minikube kubectl -- get deployment
apache-deployment   1/1     1            1           70s

Check the pods;

minikube kubectl -- get pods
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
apache-deployment-5885c9f8d6-4srsx   1/1     Running   0          116s

Get details about the Pod;

minikube kubectl -- describe pod apache-deployment-5885c9f8d6-4srsx
Name:             apache-deployment-5885c9f8d6-4srsx
Namespace:        default
Priority:         0
Service Account:  default
Node:             minikube/
Start Time:       Wed, 27 Mar 2024 17:54:08 +0000
Labels:           app=apache
Status:           Running
Controlled By:  ReplicaSet/apache-deployment-5885c9f8d6
    Container ID:   docker://a114d2440a385188a307cd43386b75a4d40d665b2f741d8c00372f7cf617af18
    Image:          httpd
    Image ID:       docker-pullable://httpd@sha256:374766f5bc5977c9b72fdb8ae3ed05b7fc89060e7edc88fcbf142d6988e58eeb
    Port:           80/TCP
    Host Port:      0/TCP
    State:          Running
      Started:      Wed, 27 Mar 2024 17:54:14 +0000
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-dvrqg (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True 
  Ready             True 
  ContainersReady   True 
  PodScheduled      True 
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    DownwardAPI:             true
QoS Class:                   BestEffort
Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
                    op=Exists for 300s
  Type    Reason     Age    From               Message
  ----    ------     ----   ----               -------
  Normal  Scheduled  2m45s  default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/apache-deployment-5885c9f8d6-4srsx to minikube
  Normal  Pulling    2m44s  kubelet            Pulling image "httpd"
  Normal  Pulled     2m39s  kubelet            Successfully pulled image "httpd" in 4.954s (4.954s including waiting)
  Normal  Created    2m39s  kubelet            Created container apache-container
  Normal  Started    2m39s  kubelet            Started container apache-container

Apply the service manifest to expose the application.

minikube kubectl -- apply -f apache-service.yaml

Accessing the Minikube Application

Check the services;

minikube kubectl -- get svc
NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
apache-service   NodePort           80:31524/TCP   19s
kubernetes       ClusterIP               443/TCP        21h

As you can see, our apache service is exposing application internal port 80/TCP on the host node on port 31524/TCP.

Get the node details about the service;

minikube kubectl -- get nodes -o wide
minikube   Ready    control-plane   22h   v1.28.3           Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS   6.6.0-14-generic   docker://24.0.7

The node is listening on an internal IP,, which is the Minikube IP;

minikube ip

This is an IP address in the bridge network interface created by Minikube.

docker network ls
6cb528236710   bridge     bridge    local
c85b2d45669b   host       host      local
5d993ca8a5f6   minikube   bridge    local
d20dcc4fdbf0   none       null      local
docker network inspect minikube
        "Name": "minikube",
        "Id": "5d993ca8a5f692a21cdbddb43b9c44e835ad5ab84899417719a97eb762d47507",
        "Created": "2024-03-26T20:38:07.124963456Z",
        "Scope": "local",
        "Driver": "bridge",
        "EnableIPv6": false,
        "IPAM": {
            "Driver": "default",
            "Options": {},
            "Config": [
                    "Subnet": "",
                    "Gateway": ""
        "Internal": false,
        "Attachable": false,
        "Ingress": false,
        "ConfigFrom": {
            "Network": ""
        "ConfigOnly": false,
        "Containers": {
            "0b37aa39099315f02aae49c6fec749a0ca9a7fab59bde6434c67c4e04c776877": {
                "Name": "minikube",
                "EndpointID": "afb02ec18de0ab9058f7b6d933659e08058e427d6d48ffa81022ab07197db8ed",
                "MacAddress": "02:42:c0:a8:31:02",
                "IPv4Address": "",
                "IPv6Address": ""
        "Options": {
            "--icc": "",
            "--ip-masq": "",
            "": "1500"
        "Labels": {
            "": "true",
            "": "minikube"

Confirm access to the web app;


It works!

To access this web app externally, do port forwarding! Because clearly, my bridged address above is not accessible from my host externally.

minikube kubectl -- port-forward service/apache-service 80:8080 --address=

This command exposes the app listening on local port 80/tcp in the cluster on any host IP on port 8080/tcp on the host.

You can then access this service externally via port 8080/tcp.

Install Minikube on Ubuntu 24.04


Sample minikube dashboard;

minikube applications dashboard

That concludes our guide.

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