This tutorial will show you how to install Discourse on Rocky Linux. Discourse is an free and open source discussion platform, chatting and mailing list to allow you to collaborate with your team especially in a work environment. Discourse uses Ruby on Rails, Ember.js and PostgreSQL as a backend language, frontend language and database respectively.
Install Discourse on Rocky Linux
- A valid domain name or hostname
- An SMTP mail server set up
- Root privileges- all commands will be run using root as a user
- Docker installed
Install Docker on Rocky Linux
Update system packages
dnf update && dnf upgrade -y
Install required tools
dnf install -y git yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
Set up docker repository
yum-config-manager --add-repo
Install docker
yum install docker-ce
In case you get an error when running the command yum install docker-ce
add the flag below
yum install docker-ce --allowerasing
Start docker
systemctl start docker
Check if docker is running
systemctl status docker
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; vendor pre> Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-06-30 06:39:03 EAT; 33min ago Docs: Main PID: 3487 (dockerd) Tasks: 11 Memory: 88.8M CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service └─3487 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/contai> Jun 30 06:43:50 dockerd[3487]: time="2022-06-30T06:43:50> Jun 30 06:43:53 dockerd[3487]: time="2022-06-30T06:43:53> Jun 30 06:43:55 dockerd[3487]: time="2022-06-30T06:43:55> Jun 30 06:43:58 dockerd[3487]: time="2022-06-30T06:43:58> Jun 30 06:44:01 dockerd[3487]: time="2022-06-30T06:44:01> Jun 30 06:44:03 dockerd[3487]: time="2022-06-30T06:44:03> Jun 30 06:44:06 dockerd[3487]: time="2022-06-30T06:44:06> Jun 30 06:44:20 dockerd[3487]: time="2022-06-30T06:44:20> Jun 30 06:44:23 dockerd[3487]: time="2022-06-30T06:44:23> Jun 30 06:44:27 dockerd[3487]: time="2022-06-30T06:44:27>
Configure SELinux policy
Check the current mode
If SELinux policy is enforced as it is in Rocky Linux by default, set the current mode to permissive to disable it at system reboot.
sudo setenforce 0
To disable the mode completely, use the command
sudo sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
Then reboot the system
Install Discourse on Rocky Linux
Create a folder to store Discourse files.
mkdir -p /opt/discourse/
Clone the discourse repository to the directory above:
git clone /opt/discourse/
Navigate to the same directory
cd /opt/discourse/
Run Discourse setup to start installation
The setup will request you to enter correct configurations for Discourse. First enter a valid domain i.e.
Ports 80 and 443 are free for use 'samples/standalone.yml' -> 'containers/app.yml' Found 3GB of memory and 1 physical CPU cores setting db_shared_buffers = 768MB setting UNICORN_WORKERS = 2 containers/app.yml memory parameters updated. Hostname for your Discourse? []:
Next setup details for SMTP and Let’s Encrypt details. Input an email address for admin account, SMTP address, SMTP port, SMTP username, SMTP password and email address for notification (optional) and Let’s Encrypt (optional) and press enter.
I have skipped inputting notification email, Let’s Encrypt email and Maxmind license key
Checking your domain name . . . Connection to succeeded. Email address for admin account(s)? [[email protected],[email protected]]: [email protected] SMTP server address? []: SMTP port? [587]: 587 SMTP user name? [[email protected]]: [email protected] SMTP password? [pa$$word]: ITn1xPr0@2O22 notification email address? [[email protected]]: Optional email address for Let's Encrypt warnings? (ENTER to skip) [[email protected]]: Optional Maxmind License key (ENTER to continue without MAXMIND GeoLite2 geolocation database) [1234567890123456]:
Confirm the configuration and press enter to continue.
Does this look right? Hostname : Email : [email protected] SMTP address : SMTP port : 587 SMTP username : [email protected] SMTP password : ITn1xPr0@2O22 Notification email: [email protected] Maxmind license: (unset)
Once installation completes, an app.yaml
configuration will be created.
In case you make changes to this file /opt/discourse/containers/app.yml
which stores the configurations, ensure you rebuild the app to apply changes.
./launcher rebuild app
Connection through firewall
Rocky Linux has a firewall running by default. Thus, allow connection through firewall for http
and https
before proceeding.
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service={http,https}
Reload the firewall
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Access Discourse Web Interface
Type the URL http(s)://
in your browser. Register an admin account.

Click on Register and enter the admin account details.

Check you email and follow the instructions given to activate your account

That is it! You have managed to install Discourse in Rocky Linux .
Upgrade Discourse
To upgrade Discourse, navigate to Discourse directory
cd /opt/discourse/
Download the latest version and rebuild the app to apply changes
git pull
./launcher rebuild app
How to uninstall Discourse from Rocky Linux
Check the container ID by running the command:
docker ps
f99383e9fd7a discourse/base:2.0.20220621-0049 "/bin/bash -c '/usr/…" 28 minutes ago Up 28 minutes confident_kare
Next, stop the container using the ID above.
docker stop container f99383e9fd7a
Now, delete the container using the same ID
docker container rm CONTAINER f99383e9fd7a
You have come to the end of this tutorial. Now that you have managed to install Discourse in Rocky Linux, find out more features and how to use Discourse from the Discourse official website.
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